Dad - You loved us all, your family and friends, immensely and this love doesn’t end now as the footprints you’ve left will forever remain. But you were much more than loving. You were passionate, fearless, inspirational, charismatic, creative and clever...a man of integrity, determination and resilience. To me, dear dad, you were the world around which your family revolved. You were a force of nature, a bird’s song, a parrot’s feathers, a lion’s roar. You were a rose’s scent, the sun’s warmth, the sea’s strength. You were the universe’s mysteries.
There are so many stories we could tell, books full. They will live forever in our hearts and mind - your voice, laughter and wisdom resounding. Later when we retell our stories, you will be with us. In the smiles of your grandchildren, you are there. And, when I take my daily walk on the beach, I know you will return with the tide.